Welcome to MooreFamilyWeb.com! (2000)

It's Christmas Season -- time to see what's been happening this year!

This year we decided that the pictures can tell the story.

Yep - the kids got bigger

Yep - we did stuff. You may recognize Great America and Disney. We also went to lego land with my brother Mike, Heidi, Connor, Annelise & Isabelle out in California.

Yep - Andrew and I made that snowman all by ourselves with a snowman kit (how sad that we didn't hunt down our own charcoal!)

Yep - we made fools of ourselves at halloween.

Nope - We didn't have another child, that's my brother Kevin and Tracy's son, Jason, in the pumpkin picture.


Yep - we are a bunch of hams as evidenced by our family vacation performance of a lip sync & dance donned all in white.


Yep - We know what this season is all about. We love all the parties & gifts & celebrating. We also hope that all those who celebrate this season will learn who it is really for. We praise God for this time to remember His Son's birth and the promise of love Jesus offers.



Send us an email!

Kirk - Prouddog@aol.com

Cassie -- Cassign@aol.com