Study Guide for the ICYI Youth Resolution

Submitted by: Illinois Conference Youth Initiative -- June, 2005

Passed by the Illinois Conference -- June 2006

Theological Background:

We are living in complex and troubling times. We are searching for meaning in our lives and in the world around us. Our denominational constitution states "The United Church of Christ affirms the responsibility of each generation to make this faith its own in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression and in purity of heart before God."

Youth need a spiritual home where their voices are heard. In supporting the youth within our local churches, associations, and conferences, we are living up to our church constitution. By doing so, we are addressing a potential risk that jeopardizes future UCC members.

All persons are made in the image of God, (Gen 1:26 ff) handcrafted by God before birth (Ps 139:13-15). While each of us seek maturity in faith, the quest for responsible faith is a life-long activity that is engaged in all stages of the life span.

The Holy Spirit empowers each of us in unique ways for the common good (1 Cor 12:1-11). The scriptures do not attest to withholding these gifts based on age. In contrast, the scriptures attest to many leaders being called into service while they are young:

The reception of the gifts of the Spirit unites us as one common body (1 Cor 12:13-30; Romans 12:3-8). While each has unique roles and responsibilities in this relationship, the scriptures admonish us to accept the diverse gifts of all people as opportunities for the fullest reign of God to be known. Admonished by scripture to overcome the divisions so that "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female" we may add "there is no longer youth and adult" so that, as Paul continued, "all of you are one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28).

WHEREAS, youth ministry in the Illinois Conference is a priority, creating the Illinois Conference Youth Initiative to insure needs, concerns, and feelings of youth are adequately represented;


WHEREAS, the needs, concerns, and feelings of youth are distinct from those of adults, there is a tremendous and often difficult responsibility placed upon adult leadership within the local churches to adequately represent the needs of youth at annual meetings, association meetings, and at the conference level;


WHEREAS, in celebrating the variety of gifts youth bring to the church which aid the church in being rejuvenated when the church is prepared to receive those gifts and their bearers;


WHEREAS, youth as persons of faith have a need to be involved of the ministries and missions of the denomination, and are at risk of seeking other faith affiliations if they are not given the opportunities in the United Church of Christ;


WHEREAS, re-structuring in the Illinois Conference due to budgetary rationale has resulted in suspending the youth ministry staff at the conference level;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Illinois Conference encourages churches, and associations to work with youth in order to develop new and creative responses for youth in times of changing needs;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Illinois Conference calls upon the members of the Illinois Conference Youth Initiative to recommend strategies and solutions pertaining to issues and concerns for youth at the association and conference levels.


FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED, that the Illinois Conference fully embraces youth in our churches, associations and conference addressing their needs through a spirit of mutual cooperation and Christian unity, supporting their religious faith and growth in the United Church of Christ.

As a resolution of witness, the Illinois Conference Youth Initiative is seeking affirmation for ongoing ministries of, with, by, and for youth in all settings of the church.

In response to such affirmation, the Illinois Conference Youth Initiative will continue to have ongoing meetings exploring and providing such ministries, and is willing to be a resource to all associations, congregations, and conference entities in creatively providing ministries of, with, by, and for youth.

Similarly, The Illinois Conference Youth Initiative invites other conference entities to join us in exploring and providing these vital ministries for the good of the church.


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